Archeological dig on Hilbre 2016
Preparing for Archaeological Dig on Hilbre Island
Thursday 14th July was a beautiful and busy day on Hilbre Island as preparations began for the upcoming archaeological investigation. The project, organised by Rob Philpott and Christine Longworth in collaboration with The Friends of Hilbre, builds on a previous project carried out by Rob Philpott in 2006, when evidence of an ancient building was uncovered on the plot of land adjacent to the bird observatory. The post-holes of a rectangular structure were found, but no dating evidence, though we think it may belong to the early medieval period (AD 400-1100). Dwelling houses from this period are rare finds in north-west England, making this a particularly important discovery. Other finds from the 2006 dig included pieces of prehistoric pottery and medieval tile, a testament to the island’s longstanding place in the lives of local people. About a year ago, a few of us spent the day on Hilbre and decided that after nearly 10 years, perhaps it was time for another look. And so a new project began.